When one picture isnt enough, you need Argus 3D.
Mix pictures on your iPhone (or Touch) together into Multiphotos, and blend them together with tilt or autorock.
Tilting or time-blending images helps the viewer see life and depth. Closely-taken images look like 3D. With wide multis, you can literally "look around" an object.
Examples: http://Argus3D.com/examples
This is the lite version of Argus 3D. Features:
- Full four-dimensional view control, wide view
- Pause and Blend view
- Swap views for easy 3D arrangement
- Selective clear
- Autorock!
- 3DOF accelerometer readout (Options tab)
- Absolute or Relative motion
- Load images from Albums, Saved Photos or Camera!
- New Ideas tab added to help you visualize your multiimages before shooting.
- Happy Spring! All features except Email sending are permanently ON forever! No ads and no upsell.
Please tell us your thoughts in the App store.